Some astrologers consider this point (the point opposite the apex planet) to be the 'release point' of the T-Square. The "empty leg" of the T-Square is where this anchor is found. In order for this planet to act in a focused and productive manner, however, it still needs an anchor. Squares, remember, are action aspects the apex planet, receiving two simultaneous squares, is under a great deal of pressure to act.

This is the planet that is both the driving force, and also the planet that is under the most pressure. The apex planet of a T-Square is the key. T-Squares then have a built-in focus that the Grand Cross lacks, and they can often become extremely productive and a key motivating force for an individual. Instead of forming a potentially stable structure, a T-Square is far less stable all of the pressure is placed on the planet that receives the two squares, the apex planet. A T-Square functions quite differently than a Grand Cross, however. A T-Square is simply a Grand Cross with a missing planet.

The T-Square consists of three planets in the same modality, and includes two squares and one opposition. (By the way I saw elsewhere that Chiron here sits between the Sun and Venus). Can it, for example be seen on the following (composite relationship) chart:

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